Legal Document Containing the Amended Appelants' Factum for Survivors of St. Anne's IRS
Legal Document Containing the Factum of the Respondent (AFN) for the Survivors of St. Anne's IRS
Legal Document Containing the Factum of Independent Counsel for Survivors of St. Anne's IRS
Letter to Commissioner Dion on the Investigation into Travel Fees Paid for Minister Morneau by WE
Opposition Motion (July 12, 2020)
Canada Student Service Grant
Investigation into the conduct of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Unacceptable convictions of Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos Jr.
Ethics Commissioner Agrees to Angus Request for Examination Under the Conflict of Interest Act
Privacy issues arising from COVID-19 contact tracing applications
Privacy concerns around COVID-19 contact tracing applications
Request for Directions to Compel Canada to Comply with IRSSA Ancillary Orders
Request for investigation into whether David McNaughton has respected the Conflict of Interest Act
Former Ambassador McNaughton and Palantir Canada
Necessity to gather appropriate statistics on Covid-19 cases
Urgent Need for Plan for James Bay Flooding
Working with Kashechewan on Impending Flood Season
The Need for Banks to Waive Interest Fees and Charges Immediately
Gas Prices in Timmins
COVID-19 Pandemic Plan for First Nation Communities in Northern Ontario