With the Federal Government extending the deadline to apply for Canada Summer Jobs and increasing the funding, Charlie Angus encourages groups and organizations in the region to take advantage. The fund is designed to help employers create summer job opportunities for students. Angus says our region continues to excel at investments in infrastructure, economic development funding and summer job creation.
"Every year we do very well with this program where we are able to give students much needed employment and work experience. These jobs will spread across the entire riding to benefit both our youth who face high unemployment and help our businesses create jobs and grow our economy.”
Some of the groups receiving students in the past include: The Red Cross, Heart and Stroke, Science Timmins, Laronde Cultural Centre, Moose Cree First Nation, Museum of Northern History, YMCA, Cochrane Board of Trade, among others.
"This program has been great for our region. We have a terrific working relationship with Service Canada in being able to get the word out and reap the rewards.”
The application period for employers will run until March 11, 2016.
Click here to submit your online application<http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/epb/yi/yep/programs/csj_beforeyoustart.shtml>
Click here to access a pre-recorded presentation on the Web<https://gts-ee.webex.com/gts-ee/ldr.php?RCID=aa3a2ff1e2ac8529bf8371b374684fc9> - accessible 24/7 - that guides employers through the application process.
Please visit the Service Canada<http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/epb/yi/yep/programs/scpp.shtml> website for further details on Canada Summer Jobs.