Charlie Angus says a $200 fine leveled at Finance Minister Bill Morneau for failing to disclose his ownership of a villa in France through a numbered company is a joke. Morneau has also been under intense pressure in Parliament for his failure to disclose millions of dollars in shares he held in his company Morneau-Shepell while acting as Finance Minister.
Morneau-Shepell stands to benefit massively from changes to Canadian pension protection laws under the proposed Bill C-27, a bill brought forward by Finance Minister Bill Morneau.
Today in Question period, Angus called on Prime Minister Trudeau to take action.
“Bill Morneau told investors in 2013 that his company required legislation to open the lucrative Canadian market for the attack on defined pensions. And as finance minister he gave them Bill C27, and voila Morneau-Shepell stocks went through the roof and he made gazoodles of money. And it’s cost him a mere $200 in fines. That’s not good enough.”
Bill C-27 would allow corporations to move away from defined pension benefits to targeted pensions which place greater risk on pensioners. Angus says Prime Minister Trudeau must deal with Morneau’s attack on Canadian pension plans.
“They are popping corks on Bay Street because, despite the $200 fine, the Liberal attack on Canadian pension plans is going full steam ahead. I am calling on this Prime Minister to stand up for Canadian workers and end this attack on their pensions. He needs to withdraw Bill C 27.”